It seems like ages since my last post, when in reality it has barely been two weeks. When I started up blogging again last month I had set out with the best of intentions: posting daily, archiving my family recipes, trying new recipes and so much more – but it seems I couldn't even make it a whole month before I broke all those promises to myself.
But, sitting here now and reaffirming my commitment to myself (and my cooking), I have to accept just how quickly time can get away from you, and how amidst all the chaos you can, despite your best efforts, lose sight of yourself and your goals for a even short time. It is inevitable to find yourself facing projects that have the ability to so totally absorb your focus and energy, that days (even weeks sometimes) start to blur together. In the end you always seem to resurface, and sometimes you even realize your goals may have shifted (without you even realizing it) and you've since set out on a new journey. Either way the experience helps you to grow.
For me the latest all-absorbing project was last month, and it was my wedding.
Jon and I got married exactly one week ago today (which, as it happens, was exactly two years after our very first date). So needless to say, the past two weeks have been a whirlwind of chaos as family and friends came into town (from Wisconsin and Upstate NY) and then left for their return trips - sometimes not even 24 hours later. Hectic – would be an understatement.
Not to mention, in perfect “grace-ness”, by the time people started showing up (as early as 4 days prior to the ceremony) I still hadn't finished making my wedding dress (which, truth be told, got done just about 2 hours before I walked down the aisle – thanks to the help and patience of my maternal grandmother) AND I hadn't even started cooking the food (for 100 people). But again, thanks to the last minute help of some WONDERFUL friends and family, we managed to pull it all off, even in my postage stamp sized kitchen with its even smaller fridge.
So yes, time has certainly gotten away from me. But for all the hard (and exhausting) work, everything certainly came off beautifully. Many of the guests even commented on the simplicity of the affair – and how it put everyone at ease and that it was the “best wedding” they'd every been to. We also had WAY to much food, but that is a disease among Italians – over feeding guests, so I suppose no one was remotely surprised. But all the food was well received and all the leftover produce (and dishes) found a way home with one (or some) of our enthusiastic guests.
We couldn't have asked for a better day or better people to share it with.
So, over the next week or so, as we finally begin to unwind and return to our normal state of things, I will be posting about the planning (and execution) of the whole affair, and I hope you will enjoy the story, and the recipes, as much as we did.
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